September Aspiring Leaders Circle

It’s lonely at the top. You don’t have to do this alone. Whatever you want to achieve whether it’s developing your business or progressing your career you will get much closer to success faster, with support networks, brainstorming, and peer support.

About Aspiring Leaders Circle

The Aspiring Leaders Circle is a dynamic monthly online event hosted by Netwomen. It’s crafted for middle managers and emerging leaders from diverse business backgrounds, including SMEs and larger corporations.

This event stands as a beacon for those looking to elevate their leadership journey within an inclusive and supportive community.

Event Highlights:

1. Productivity Tools:

Discover and implement cutting-edge tools to enhance team efficiency and streamline operations, directly impacting your work’s productivity.

2. Peer Support Network:

Connect with a vibrant community of peers for mutual support, idea exchange, and collaborative problem-solving, ensuring you’re never isolated in your leadership journey.

3. Knowledge Exchange:

Dive into a rich pool of shared insights across various sectors, broadening your perspective and equipping you with innovative solutions to tackle leadership challenges.

4. Enhanced Communication Skills:

Learn effective strategies to articulate your vision, motivate your team, and foster an environment of transparency and trust.

5. Collaborative Opportunities:

Engage in potential collaborative ventures, expanding your professional horizons and opening doors to new projects and partnerships.

6. Career Advancement Strategies:

Gain valuable insights into accelerating your career trajectory, from navigating corporate dynamics to adopting impactful leadership techniques.

7. Professional Networking:

Expand your professional network within this community, unlocking new opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and career growth.

8. Idea Incubation:

Present your ideas in a supportive setting, receiving constructive feedback and collaborative input to refine and advance your concepts.

Career acceleration with a focus on inclusivity and empowerment, the Aspiring Leaders Circle offers a unique platform for self-improvement, professional development, and collective growth, all within the supportive framework of a DEIB-committed women in business organisation.

Non members £50.   Included for individual and corporate members – book on the app.

  • Date : 09-17-2024
  • Time : 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (UTC)
  • Venue : Zoom

Purchase Ticket

DEFAULT (50 seats remaining)
[Note: This event will be held on zoom. Attendee will get zoom meeting URL through email]

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