Ending the Year Strong: Preparing for Progress on Leadership and Pay Equity in 2025

As 2024 draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how far we’ve come in addressing gender equity challenges—and to plan for the year ahead. For businesses and individuals alike, December is an opportunity to set meaningful goals that promote leadership diversity and close the gender pay gap.

Here are some key areas to focus on as we head into 2025:

1. Audit and Reflect

Take stock of your organisation’s current position on gender equity.

  • Leadership Representation: Do women hold proportionate numbers of senior roles?
  • Pay Transparency: Have you conducted a pay audit recently, and are discrepancies being addressed?
  • Bias in Processes: Are recruitment, promotion, and performance review systems equitable?

Action for 2025: Use this data to set measurable DEIB goals, such as increasing women’s leadership representation by a specific percentage or committing to regular pay audits.

2. Invest in Leadership Development

Research shows that businesses with diverse leadership teams outperform their peers by 40% (McKinsey 2024). Yet women remain underrepresented at every leadership level. Investing in leadership development now can create a stronger, more inclusive leadership pipeline for the future.

  • Offer sponsorship programs: Aspiring leaders need sponsors who advocate for them and open doors.
  • Provide leadership training: Focus on building confidence, decision-making, and negotiation skills.
  • Encourage external programs: Support women to join organisations like Netwomen for tailored career development opportunities.

3. Close the Gaps Now

The gender pay gap persists, with the Fawcett Society noting that UK women earned 14.3% less than men in 2024 on average. Start addressing disparities now:

  • Implement pay transparency policies: Publish pay bands and ensure equity across roles.
  • Boost benefits: Offer flexible working, parental leave, and wellbeing support to attract and retain diverse talent.
  • Commit to accountability: Set clear timelines for addressing gaps and communicate progress to employees.

4. Plan for the Future Workforce

2025 will bring new challenges and opportunities as Gen Z professionals continue to shape workplace culture. This generation prioritises diversity, equity, and inclusion when choosing employers. To stay competitive:

  • Embed DEIB in your culture: Make it a core value, not a box-ticking exercise.
  • Foster psychological safety: Create an environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute.
  • Embrace flexibility: Offer hybrid or remote options to meet diverse needs.

5. Celebrate Wins

End the year by recognising progress and celebrating achievements, no matter how small. This boosts morale and sets a positive tone for the year ahead.

At Netwomen, we’re here to help you build a more inclusive workplace for 2025 and beyond. From leadership development to pay equity workshops, our programmes are designed to empower women and support organisations in creating lasting change.

Let’s make 2025 the year we close the gaps, break the barriers, and lead with equity.

How is your organisation preparing for gender equity in the new year? Let us know in the comments or reach out to learn more about our programmes.

Picture of Pinky Ghadiali

Pinky Ghadiali

Want to chat? hello@bypinky.com. If you want to Create your Killer Mindset click here to book a free 30-minute discovery session online.